Survival Ties (The Outbreak Chronicles Book 1) Page 6
“Come on over Ash, I may need your help.” Aaron said as he knelt down looking into the trunk. I joined him and found there was a black boy now sitting up.
“Thank you,” he said to us as he accepted the water Aaron offered him.
“What’s your name and why were you in the trunk?” Aaron asked him as soon as he stopped drinking.
“Micah. Micah Hender. My dad locked me in here.” Micah explained to us, “We were trying to get to Phoenix.”
“Why?” Aaron asked.
“We were going to find my mom and sisters but we ran into this road block.” Micah said, “Dad tried to turn around but the people behind us panicked. They left their vehicles when a group of monsters came through. I heard screaming.”
“How did you end up in the truck?” I asked.
“Dad thought I’d be safe in the trunk and had me get in with water and protein bars. He left me the key so I could get out if he didn’t make it back but the batteries are dead so it wouldn’t work.” Micah answered.
“How long have you been in there?” I asked him, noticing that there were quite a few empty wrappers and bottles and there was the smell of urine.
“I don’t know. Three days maybe. I ran out of water last night and the protein bars yesterday.” Micah answered as he tried to lift himself out of the trunk, Aaron caught him before he fell.
“Whoa let’s get you cleaned up and in some clean clothes dude, no offence but you reek.” Aaron told him. Micah just nodded.
“Yeah, let’s see if you come out looking your best after being stuck in a car trunk for three days.” He said as he let Aaron help him back to the bus.
Sam met us about halfway and went to the other side to help Micah. We got him on the bus and Sam took him into the bathroom where he helped Micah shower. We all gathered in the living room to wait for them to come out. I quickly explained to everyone what Micah had told us and where we had found him.
“It’s good we grabbed those clothes when we did. I hope something fits him.” Daisy said. She had already grabbed a whole pile of clothes for Micah to try on. She even had shoes; I didn’t remember us grabbing shoes, but of course she was the shoe girl.
Sam opened the bathroom door and before he could even ask Daisy was pushing the clothes towards him. Sam smiled at her and nodded then disappeared back into the bathroom. A few minutes later they came out. Micah was leaning on Sam as his legs shook on the walk over to the couch. Micah seemed to find clothes that fit; he was now wearing blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt.
“Thank you for the clothes.” He said as Sam helped him to the couch.
“No problem, you got lucky that we grabbed a bunch when we were stocking up at Wal-Mart the other day.” Daisy told him.
“It’s hard to think about how much was going on while I was sitting in that trunk.” He said.
“Yeah, Ashlyn filled us in on what happened to you.” Sawyer told him, “I’m Sawyer by the way.”
“Nice to meet you.” Micah told her.
“Okay, we will have plenty of time to get to know Micah after we figure out the cars outside.” Sam cut in bringing us all back to the fact that we were stuck at the moment.
“Ash and I marked all the cars. Double x’s for keys. Red equals bodies or gore while green is all clear.” Aaron told Sam.
“Good, I want to get the cars off the road. We’ll line up ones with keys for easy access on the side of the road. If someone else comes this way and needs a vehicle they can take one. I also don’t want to take any supplies out of them as someone else may need them and we are pretty stocked up.” Sam directed us.
We got to work. Sydney, Aaron and Sam moved cars with a red x on them while Daisy, Sawyer and I moved the green ones.
Sam found a tow rope in a truck that had keys. Aaron maneuvered a pickup truck around for us to attach the rope to pull the cars that did not have keys. Sam directed Aaron to get cars that would be easy to hot-wire, parked in a reachable area.
It took longer than it seemed like it should to get the road cleared off. Especially since we wanted to go back in the bus to talk to Micah.
“Looks like the only thing we really can’t move is that semi-truck.” Aaron said, “Even if it had keys it’s wedged into that ditch.”
He was pointing over to where the semi was. I looked over to see what he was talking about. I noticed that even though the trailer was straight on the road, the cab was in the ditch, we’d need a tow truck to move it.
“Well, the way looks clear enough to get the bus through and for anyone going this way to make it.” Sam decided, “Let’s load up and get out of here.”
It was a relief to get back on to the bus. Daisy and I both laid down on the floor in the living room while Sawyer went and sat down next to Micah.
“How are your legs doing?” she asked him.
“Getting better. Tone said I should keep standing up and sitting back down to get them working normal again.” He answered.
“That’s good. How are you feeling other than that?” Sawyer asked.
“Pretty good. Tone got me some food to eat, not much so I wouldn’t throw it all back up.” Micah answered, “Sorry for the overshare but hell I got pulled in here covered in my own piss.”
“Its fine, I’m just glad we found you.” Sawyer said and patted his hand.
“I’m glad you guys found me too. Not just for the fact that I would have died but because if someone else had, they may not have been a good group.” Micah said, babbling a little.
Sawyer had her head on Micah’s shoulder. He was holding her hand, his thumb caressing hers.
They seemed to be comforting each other. They really seemed to like each other’s company and were chatting easily with each other. It’s the most I’d seen Sawyer interact with anyone since Marie turned crazed. Even less so since Jenny sacrificed herself.
It was good to see her opening up to someone, she was not someone who did well being withdrawn. Daisy poked my shoulder and when I looked at her she pointed to Micah and Sawyer. She mimicked kissing behind her hand where they couldn’t see.
I ended up choking on my laughter as I wondered if she was right, if they were into each other that way.
“What are you laughing at?” Sawyer asked me as she nudged me with the tip of her shoe.
“Nothing, Daisy was just making faces.” I answered and Daisy tried to look innocent.
“Hey boys, looks like we have teenagers actually acting like teenagers. We must be doing something right.” Sydney called to Sam and Tone.
“Are we sure that’s a good thing? If I remember correctly teenagers are troublemakers. I’m thinking we may have to make them walk the rest of the way, what do you think Sam?” Tone asked.
“I don’t know Tone; how much trouble are we talking here?” Sam asked.
“Ha ha you all are so funny.” Daisy said as she threw a pillow that had fallen off the couch at Sydney.
“I’m hit!” Sydney called as she pretended to fall over.
“Hey Ash, I wonder if she’s ticklish?” Daisy said to me and winked.
“Let’s find out.” I said as we both jumped over and grabbed Sydney. She squealed. She wiggled until she managed to escape us. Sydney crawled away. Micah laughed drawing our attention to him. His dark skin couldn’t hide his blush. Angela, Thomas, and Axel were all laughing in the hallway. For a moment everyone on the bus forgot about the chaos we were escaping from.
Chapter Eight
The bus jolted to a stop. I looked out the window but everything looked clear. I watched Sam wondering what had happened now as he stood and looked back at us all.
“I thought we’d stop for lunch and as long as everyone stays close to the bus I think we can eat outside.” He told us, “You might like the view.”
“View? Where are we?” Sawyer asked as she turned to look out the window. Outside there was a lake and covered picnic tables.
“We’re at Ashurst Lake.” Sam said as he smiled. I looked out the window again foc
using on what was there instead of looking for danger. I could see the rocky shoreline surrounding the calm water of the small lake.
“We can eat outside? Is it safe?” Axel asked as he practically had his face plastered to the window of the bus gazing at the water.
“Yeah I managed to get us right next to a table and as long as we all stay close we can all get away if we have to.” Sam said. It was obvious he was getting the reaction he had been hoping for.
Given the option to get off the bus had all of us run over each other trying to get off the bus. We all wanted to see how close to the water we were and if we’d be able to play in it. Sydney stayed on the bus to make lunch with Tone, while Sam and Aaron came with us. Aaron was the first one to get into the water. Sam had parked close so the water was within the limits he set for us.
“Aaron, make sure you’re keeping an eye on all our kids here.” Sam said as he sat at the picnic table with Thomas.
Angela was walking with Axel near the water. There was squealing when he leaned down and splashed her with the water. Angela retaliated by shoving him into the water but she didn’t make it away before he grabbed her and she went in with him. They both came up sputtering and splashing each other.
Aaron snuck up on Daisy, Sawyer, and I with help from Micah. I saw dark arms wrap around Sawyer’s waist at the same time I felt myself being lifted.
Sawyer screamed as she was dunked backwards into the water. Her feet still kicking at the air as they followed her down. My stomach dropped into my feet as I was thrown upwards. I was screaming as I hit the water.
I coughed and spit water as I came back up. Daisy was splashing water as she tried to ward Aaron off; she backed right into Micah and disappeared under the water.
It was perfect like nothing bad had happened and we were a family out at the lake having fun. The sky had only a few of those puffy white clouds.
“Do you see a bicycle?” Sawyer asked me as she pointed above us.
I followed her finger to the cloud she was pointing at. There were two almost perfect circles connected by a thin line and two ‘T’ shapes going up from the line.
“Yeah it does.” I told her.
I watched as Aaron snuck up on Micah and jumped backwards with him. Micah just had time to bring his hand up to hold his nose before the water swallowed him. It was the perfect summer day. I had almost forgotten all about lunch when Sydney and Tone came off the bus with grilled chicken and salad.
“Hey kids, lunch!” Tone called out to get us to the table.
“Did he just call me a kid?” Aaron asked as we walked up to the table.
“Hey I saw you in the water and you know if the shoe fits.” Tone told him as he passed him a plate to put his food on.
“I’m going to take it as a compliment.” Aaron decided as he grabbed a piece of chicken and some salad off the serving plates.
Angela had set Thomas and herself up on the ground with a plate between them. She was trying to get him to eat some of the salad with the chicken he had already eaten half of. They were both laughing as she tried to trick him into taking another bite. She sometimes succeeded. They were cute together with their matching eyes and brown hair. If it weren’t for the age gap they could have been twins.
Sydney’s chicken came out amazing. I had no idea what she put on it, but I was hoping she’d make it again for us. Tone claimed he did the salad and it wasn’t half bad.
“You know you guys never told us if you have anyone out there you’re worried about.” Daisy pointed out as we all enjoyed the sunshine.
“Well I have a fiancé, Noah, but I couldn’t get a hold of him or find him when everything went bad.” Sydney told us.
“Do you think he’ll find you?” I asked.
“I left a message at our apartment telling him where I was going and to join us. I keep hoping I’ll see his car pull up behind us.” She responded as she spun a ring around her finger. She caressed the stone without looking at it.
“What about you Tone?” Sawyer asked.
“My boyfriend, Jay was attacked. I didn’t get to him in time.” Tone answered. “The Red Eye ripped his throat clear out, he died in my arms. I keep thinking I have to stay alive for both of us. He would have kicked my ass if I let myself fall apart just because I miss him.”
He looked towards the water. Tears were building up in his eyes.
“What was he like?” Micah asked Tone, “How long were you two together?”
“He was amazing and an artist. He loved to do wire work; in fact, he did the wire work on this necklace I’m wearing.” Tone said as he held out the black stone held in vines of silver.
“What’s the stone?” Micah asked. Tone looked down and traced the vines.
“It’s onyx. To protect me. He was into all that gemstone magic stuff.” Tone explained with a little smile pulling at his lips, “To hear him talk about why he put certain stones in certain pieces was like listening to someone write a song.”
“How long were you together?” I asked.
“We’d been together three years. I was planning to ask him to marry me on his birthday. I even went and bought a ring with a lapis lazuli stone.” Tone responded.
“What does lapis lazuli do?” Aaron asked.
“I picked it for its encouraging creativity values.” Tone answered.
“That necklace is amazing. I wish we could have met him.” I told Tone as I got up and hugged him. He hugged me back.
“What’s Noah like, Sydney?” Sawyer asked.
“He’s a lawyer but not the bull shit ones you see on TV that don’t really care about their clients. He loves his job and really believes in making sure everyone has the fairness they deserve. He trusts people, makes him a great lawyer.” She said, “We were planning a spring wedding followed by a honeymoon in Europe. Now I guess we’ll see if we find each other again.”
She spun her ring around her finger again.
“Thomas!” Angela’s voice was shrill as she called for her little brother. The panic in her voice made my heart pound. All of us moved at once to where she was standing, crying.
“Angela what happened?” Axel asked her before anyone had a chance to speak.
“I can’t find Thomas. I just went to use the bathroom and when I came back he was gone.” She cried, “Did anyone see where he went?”
“Don’t worry hon, we’ll find him.” Sydney said as she took Angela’s hand.
“Okay we’re doing this in groups.” Sam said.
“Sounds good what do you want us to do, boss?” Tone asked.
“Sydney, take Angela back on the bus. Axel, you’re with me, Tone you’ve got Sawyer and Micah, and Aaron you have Ashlyn and Daisy. Spread out but stay within shouting distance and let’s find Thomas.” Sam commanded everyone, taking charge of the situation.
“I want to help.” Angela cried. “He’s my brother.”
“Sam I’ve got her, we’ll look too. I don’t think she’ll be able to sit on the bus until we find Thomas.” Sydney told him.
Sam gave her a look that I couldn’t read but I think he was worried how Angela would react.
“Okay, keep her close.” Sam said looking hard at Sydney. She nodded at the look Sam was giving her.
We spread out, all of us combing through the tall grass close to the water to see if he was hiding there. Aaron was even scanning the water to see if he had fallen in.
“He can swim.” Angela told him when she saw where he was looking. She was still holding Sydney’s hand.
“Just making sure we’re not worrying and all he did was take a swim.” Aaron responded to her without missing a beat.
We were looking under the bus when I noticed a path on the other side of the road that went into the trees. I didn’t think he could have made it there without us noticing but we went down it anyway.
We were all calling out his name when we heard the screaming. Sydney couldn’t keep hold of Angela as she broke free and ran towards the noise. We all followed, running
. Tone and Sydney had their guns drawn; I couldn’t see Sam to see if he did as well.
We broke through to a clearing and there was Thomas. A Red Eye had his foot and he was trying to kick himself free but the creature was too strong. Before anyone could get a clear shot on the Red Eye, it took a bite out of his calf.
There was a lot of blood followed by the sound of a gun going off. I don’t know who shot it, all I saw was Angela screaming and grabbing Thomas.
“We have to get him to the bus; maybe we can stop the infection.” Sam called out and Aaron scooped Thomas up as he ran for the bus, all of us were on his heels.
I didn’t realize I was crying till we were all back on the bus and a tear fell on my hand.
“Aaron I need you to hold him on your lap we’re going to clean the bite with alcohol than I’m going to cauterize it. Sydney get something heated up that will cover the whole bite at once I don’t want to have to do this to him more than once.” Sam told us.
Sydney grabbed a metal spatula and an oven mitt as Sam opened a bottle of Vodka and poured onto the bite.
Thomas screamed and tried to get away.
Aaron held on to him until he exhausted himself and couldn’t fight.
Sydney came back holding the spatula that was hot enough for the metal to be red. She handed it to Sam careful not to burn him in the process.
Sam immediately pressed the metal to Thomas’s leg and it did cover the whole bite on his small leg.
The scream that came out of the small boy was more animal than human and didn’t stop until he passed out. Angela was crying and hanging onto Sydney.
Sam spread some ointment onto the burned flesh and wrapped it up with an ace bandage. He looked ragged as he picked up Thomas from Aaron’s lap and brought him out to one of the couches. He sat down and placed Thomas’s head on his lap.
“Now what?” Angela asked as she picked up her brother’s legs and laid them across her lap. She was careful not to touch the bandaged wound.
“Now we wait till he wakes up. We keep that bandage clean and keep out any infection and we watch him for symptoms.” Sam answered as he squeezed Angela’s hand, “We’ve done all we can here. When we get to Paradis Roulette my nephew has a fully-staffed hospital. He’ll have them do everything they can.”