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Survival Ties (The Outbreak Chronicles Book 1) Page 7
Survival Ties (The Outbreak Chronicles Book 1) Read online
Page 7
“Will he be ok?” Angela asked again, she was watching her brother’s sleeping face.
“I hope so but we won’t know anything right away.” Sam responded. “Tone, you good to drive? We have to get moving.”
“Yeah I got it.” Tone said and walked back to the driver’s seat. Sydney joined him in the passenger seat while Aaron stayed with us. He had both Daisy and my hand; I hadn’t even realized I had reached out to him when he had gotten up from holding Thomas.
Thomas slept even after we got to where Tone decided to park the bus for the night. Sydney was already asleep in her seat and Tone reclined his. Sam was still sitting with Thomas lying on his lap watching his every breath. Angela had fallen asleep where she was sitting on the couch; she was holding one of Thomas’s hands.
“All of you should sleep there’s nothing more we can do for him tonight.” Sam told us and we all listened to him.
Daisy didn’t want to sleep alone so she had Sawyer and I join her in her bedroom. Axel and Micah took the room Sawyer and I had been sharing while Aaron went to Sydney’s room. None of us said much to each other. The bus that had been filled with laughter was silent. We all went to sleep hoping Thomas would be awake in the morning.
Chapter Nine
The morning came and was just as grey as our moods.
Everyone was edgy, eyes darting over to Thomas and back to the cereal we were eating. Thomas was still asleep on the couch. Sam was no longer sitting with him; he was up with Tone in the front of the bus with the door closed. Sydney was trying to cheer us up, but it was impossible with Angela sitting there. She had tears leaking constantly out of her eyes.
“All of you are going to upset Thomas when he wakes up.” Sydney said as a last effort “He’s going to think he has no chance.”
“Does he really have a chance?” Angela asked, talking for the first time since we found Thomas.
“Yes, Sam did everything he could and I think it was his best chance.” Sydney said to her as she crouched down in front of her and took both her hands.
“If I would have brought him with me he wouldn’t have been bit.” Angela sniffled.
“No honey it wasn’t your fault, we all should have been paying more attention. He’s young and curious.” Sydney told her.
I didn’t realize how much she was blaming herself for what had happened. She thought Thomas was her responsibility with their parents being gone.
“Will he get better?” Angela asked not quite voicing what we were all worried about—would he turn?
“First he has to wake up and then we will see.” Sydney told her.
We all found a place to sit near Thomas as the bus started rolling again. Daisy coaxed Angela and Axel into playing a game of Monopoly.
Sawyer sat whispering with Micah. I was sitting near Thomas’s head and fiddling with his hair a bit as I watched Daisy play with Angela and Axel. They both seemed to be letting Angela win. She was somber, even when she smiled or laughed.
Thomas finally started to wake up and at the first moan Sydney was there. She got him up slowly and held him. He seemed groggy but smiled when his eyes found Angela. She was up and by his side.
“Hey sleepy head.” Angela said to him as she ruffled his hair, “How’re you feeling?”
“My leg hurts. Did I get bit?” Thomas responded and went to touch his leg but Sydney grabbed his hand.
“No sweetie you can’t touch that. Do you remember what Sam did to help stop the infection?” Sydney asked him as she rubbed his palm in her hand.
“Yeah it hurt a lot.” Thomas said “Am I going to be a Red Eye?”
“No sweetie we wouldn’t let that happen to you.” Sydney said and he hugged her.
Thomas and Angela both hugged Sydney. Angela wanted to know what she could do to help keep the bandage on Thomas’s leg clean. It was hard to believe that she was only fourteen, she acted a lot older. I was wondering how much time Thomas and her had spent alone, neither one would talk about their parents.
Neither Sam nor Tone came back to the main part of the bus. Sydney went up and talked to them a bit but she wouldn’t say anything to us when she returned. She gave Thomas some sort of pain pills to help keep the pain in his leg in check so he could play with Angela and Axel.
They had found chutes and ladders in the pile of games. Apparently it was Thomas’s favorite; he lit up when he saw it. Of course they were letting him win. Every time he won, he’d stand up and do a victory dance that looked a lot like the chicken dance.
Thomas barely made it through lunch before he fell asleep again. Angela was worried but Sydney told her it was normal; he was healing from a traumatic experience. Angela got Thomas to their room and left the door open so if he woke up we would all know.
The bus rocked like it hit a pot hole and came to an abrupt stop. Angela ran back to the room to check that Thomas hadn’t been thrown from the bed. She came back and stood next to Axel as we waited for Sam or Tone to come and tell us what had happened.
“Is everyone okay?” Sam asked as he opened the door, he looked relieved to see us all standing there.
“I think so. Did we hit something?” Sydney asked.
“Not something. Someone.” Sam answered, his hands were shaking, “I tried to stop but they were in front of us too fast. I don’t know if—”
“We should go check the body and bury him.” Tone added as he came into the living room.
“Is it safe out there? What if he was being chased?” Sydney asked as she wrapped her arms around Angela and Axel, both standing closest to her.
“That is one point. If we just leave, is that going to be something we can live with?” Sam asked as he sat down.
“Any chance he survived?” Sawyer asked and I noticed she was holding Micah’s hand.
“No. I don’t know how much this bus weighs but the tires went over him.” Tone answered.
“My vote’s for leaving.” Sydney said. “Not to sound heartless but we do have everyone else on this bus to think of. Plus, if he was running from something we are risking getting ourselves hurt or killed. For someone we can’t help, someone who is already dead.”
“I have to say I agree but since we are all in this together I didn’t want to make the call.” Sam said as he stood up and headed back to the driver’s seat. He didn’t shut the door as he started the bus back up and got us moving.
I remembered news stories about hit and runs. How horrible they were. Now everything was different. There were risks now that no one would have dreamed to worry about before. I didn’t know how I felt; I wanted to know who he was. But I didn’t want to see him either.
I didn’t realize I was crying until Aaron came and sat by me. He didn’t say anything just hugged me and put his chin on my head.
“It’s okay to be upset.” He said to me.
“Was it right to leave him? Is this what the world is now?” I asked as I hugged him.
“I don’t know if it was right but it was safest for everyone on this bus. You remember now that other people made the decision.” He said.
“But I feel relief that they made that decision, what does that say about me?” I asked him as I pulled away and looked into his blue-green eyes.
“It says that you’re scared of what this world has turned into. Which you shouldn’t be ashamed of, I’m scared too. That’s why I did what Wayne said to do; I thought I was safe with him.” Aaron told me, “I’ll do better than he did. As long as I’m here I will look after you and everyone else the best I can and I will die trying to keep you all safe.”
“Thank you Aaron.” I responded.
“The way I see it we have a lot in common, we should look out for each other.” Aaron said as he kissed my forehead, “I miss Emily. I had always wanted a little sister when she was born.”
“Really?” I asked smiling, “My sister used to say I was a pain in the ass.”
“Yeah, she was too, but it looks like we have a whole big family now. I should’ve known all that
hoping for a baby sister to protect when I was a kid would backfire.” Aaron said, “Now I have more people to protect then I ever thought I would. It’s scary since I failed to protect Emily.”
“Guess you should be careful what you hope for.” I said.
“But seriously, whenever you feel scared or alone, you come find me, got it?”
“I got it.” I laid my head on his leg and he ran fingers through my hair till I fell asleep.
When I woke up, the bus had stopped and Aaron was still sitting but he was asleep. His hand was on my head. I tried to sit without waking him, but the second I moved he woke up. He smiled at me as he stretched, and ruffled my hair the same way I’d seen him do to Emily millions of times.
“Where are we?” He asked.
“Not sure.” Sydney answered, “Sam and Tone said they needed to take a break from driving.”
“How’s the boy doing?” Aaron asked.
“He’s awake again but he won’t drink water yet.” Sydney answered, “He seems pretty good other than that.”
“Any sign of infection?” I asked.
“So far he’s doing well. The skin around the bite isn’t red and he seems like he’s going to be okay. But it’s only been a day.” She said, “Now Aaron if you don’t mind I’d like to borrow Ashlyn.”
Aaron didn’t say anything just nodded and ruffled my hair again.
“See you later Ash.” Aaron said as he headed to the bathroom.
I followed Sydney to the kitchen where she was quiet for a while before she turned around and looked at me.
“How old are you?” she asked me.
“Seventeen.” I answered “Why?”
“You know Aaron is way too old for you, right?” Sydney started.
“Too old for me?” I asked.
“Yes, the world’s gone crazy but not that crazy.” Sydney answered.
“Wait. What are you assuming he wants?” I asked.
“I don’t know what he wants but it seems like he’s getting closer to you.” Sydney said.
“Yeah we’re all getting closer. I was friends with his sister, remember? I’ve known him for years. Since we’re like family now, I guess that makes you mom.” I snapped at her.
“I forgot you knew him before this. We’re like a family now? What does he call you?” she asked.
“Little sister, with Emily gone and him knowing me, he wants to protect me.” I answered, “Why are you looking for bad in him? Isn’t there enough bad in the world as it is right now? You guys let him stay. So when he starts to integrate with us, now you’re worried about what his intentions are?” I was gripping the counter.
“You know what, you’re right. He doesn’t talk to me much so I don’t know much about him. I see he hangs out with you a lot and I was worried that there was more going on.” Sydney tried to explain herself.
“Shouldn’t we be spending more time on worrying about Thomas than Aaron? I heard what you said about water and I remember those crazed in the Wal-Mart.” I told her.
“The water may be nothing. It might be he is just a little boy and water has no sugar in it. He is drinking other liquids even when they are watered down.” Sydney answered.
“Are you sure it’s nothing to worry about? We don’t know how fast a bite infects someone and he’s so little.” I said.
“Ashlyn, we don’t know, so don’t say anything, we don’t want to upset Angela for no reason.” She said. I nodded and walked away. I didn’t want to join chutes and ladders, and Sawyer was cozied up to Micah on the couch. I wasn’t sure what was really going on with them but I knew Sawyer would tell me if there was anything to tell. I ended up going to my room; I sat on the bed looking out the window at our surroundings. Aaron came in and joined me, he sat opposite of me.
“So what did Sydney think was going on?” Aaron asked.
“She thinks you want sex.” I answered. His eyes darkened and he shook his head.
“Yup, people always think the worst.” Aaron said, “You have to admit, it’s kind of funny with everything else being shit. She’s worried about my intentions. Hell, there’s a whole world of crazy out there. Can you imagine Emily’s reaction to that?”
“Yeah.” I responded.
“Okay Ash what’s up?” Aaron asked me, he was looking at me like my face would answer his question.
“We went into a Wal-Mart and were attacked by some crazed. They were afraid of water. Now Thomas won’t drink water and he was bit. I’m worried. But you can’t tell anyone I said anything.” I answered. “They want to wait because Sydney thinks it could just be that he doesn’t like plain water.”
“Well then, I guess we’ll just have to keep an eye on him and hope Sydney is right.” Aaron said as he turned and looked out the window. “Looks like we’re going to be moving soon, there in the trees do you see the Red Eyes?”
“How do you know they’re Red Eyes from here?” I asked. I could see the people in the trees walking towards the bus.
“Look at how they walk.” Aaron answered as we felt the bus come to life and the people got smaller as we pulled away. “Do you see how slow they’re moving?”
I watched the group more closely. I noticed there was stiffness to the movement the group was making. They moved like marionettes.
“Okay, I see the movements are different. How could you tell that fast?” I asked.
“From all the hunting I did with Wayne and Emily. You learn to notice how things move.” He answered as we watched Red Eyes disappear from view.
Chapter Ten
The smell of spaghetti and garlic bread drifted through the bus.
“Hope everyone likes SpaghettiO’s and Texas toast.” Sydney greeted as we followed our noses.
“Where’s Thomas?” Sydney asked Angela.
“He refused to come out. He said that his head hurt and the light hurt his eyes.” Angela answered as she tore off a piece of her toast and dipped it in the SpaghettiO’s.
Aaron shot a look at me that said we definitely had to keep an eye on the boy, to keep the rest of our family safe. I noticed that Sydney was watching both Aaron and I, her eyes holding a warning.
“Did Thomas get some sleep Angela?” Sydney asked as Sam and Tone finally came out of the front of the bus to join us. They both looked grim.
“Yeah he slept all afternoon but he says his head hurts now and the light makes him cry.” Angela answered as she kept eating. She didn’t see the look that passed between Sam, Tone, and Sydney.
“Well, when you’re done eating you can bring him some dinner. We’ll give you some pain killers to give him, maybe that will help and he’ll come out and play tomorrow.” Sam told her.
“Yeah, he’ll love having dinner in bed! It’ll be just like when he got sick at home and mom would bring him all his meals in his room. She’d read him a story as he ate and he’d sleep.” Angela told us, it was the most she had said about her parents so far.
There wasn’t any real conversation between us through the rest of dinner. Sawyer and Micah were talking quietly together. Angela finished as quickly as she could. She disappeared back into the room, bringing Thomas food and pain killers. Daisy was trying to engage Axel in conversation but he kept staring at where Angela went. Aaron was sitting next to me, but we ate in silence.
“Listen up.” Sam said breaking the shell we were all in.
“Yeah?” Sydney asked.
“We all need to talk about what we are going to do about Thomas. If his symptoms are not just from what happened to him and healing, then we have to be prepared for him turning.” Sam responded as he looked around the room. Aaron looked at me.
“I thought he was getting better.” Axel said, “That’s what Sydney told Angela.”
“He might be but some of the things he’s doing right now are very similar to the symptoms the crazed showed.” Tone answered.
“Then shouldn’t Angela be out here to have a say in everything?” Axel asked, “It is her brother we are talking about and you lied
to her.”
“We didn’t lie to her. We don’t know what’s going to happen and we don’t want her to worry if it’s nothing. It would be cruel to scare her.” Sydney told him, trying to calm him down.
“You’re talking about possibly having to kill her brother and you waited till she wasn’t in the room to do so.” Axel said through gritted teeth. Aaron walked over to stand in front of Axel.
“Look Axel, everyone wants Thomas to be fine, but we have to be prepared to protect all of us if he isn’t.” Aaron told Axel as he kneeled down to look him straight in the eyes.
“Can you honestly say you could kill Thomas?” Axel asked him.
“Yes. If it came to that. To protect the rest of us, I could pull the trigger.” Aaron answered. Axel spit in his face.
“You wouldn’t kill Thomas would you?” Angela cried. She had come out of the room without us hearing her. There was no telling how much she had heard but she had definitely heard what Aaron had just said.
“Sweetie we didn’t want to worry you.” Sydney answered.
“You said he was getting better.” Angela said.
“We just want to be prepared in case we are wrong and he isn’t getting better.” Sydney said soothingly to her and tried to take her hand. Angela pulled away out of her reach.
“You’re out here planning to kill my little brother. Are you even going to give him a chance or were you just waiting till I fell asleep?” Angela choked out between sobs. Her face was wet from the tears and I couldn’t blame her, this must feel like a betrayal.
“We’re not planning to kill your brother. We are planning on how to protect everybody if he’s not getting better.” Tone tried to talk to her.
“You are all just liars; you said we were safe here with you.” Angela said as she threw the plate she was holding at Sydney, “I hate all of you!”